How Mobile Games Will Develop In The Future: What Market Trends Can Tell Us

Mobile gaming has come a long way since the advent of smartphones. The mobile game market will be worth $45 billion USD by 2020 and it’s growing at an unprecedented rate.

There are many factors that contribute to the growth of the mobile game industry, such as increased awareness about new technologies like augmented reality and virtual reality, but what does this mean for us? Will we soon be seeing games on our phones that replace consoles or PCs? Read more to find out!

What is the mobile game market worth and how will it grow in the future?

One of the biggest factors that contribute to the growth of mobile games is increased awareness about augmented and virtual reality.

People are intrigued by new technologies, meaning they’re more likely to try out a game on their phone than one played on another device.

The increase in sales for VR headsets will have an effect on mobile gaming as well – developers are more likely to create mobile games that are compatible with VR if there’s a growing market for it.

So, what does this mean for us? Mobile games will continue to grow in different ways, but one thing is certain – the way we play them will soon be very different from how they were played even just ten years ago.

As technology advances, we will see mobile games that replace other platforms. Imagine a game where you can actually play with your friends and shoot each other in an augmented reality battlefield – the possibilities are endless!

The future of mobile gaming and what that means for us

What does the future have in store for mobile gaming? The possibilities are endless! Mobile gaming will continue to grow in different ways, but one thing is certain.

The way we play them will soon be very different from how they were played even ten years ago. As technology advances, we might see games that replace other platforms, like consoles or PCs.

Imagine a game where you can actually play with your friends and shoot each other in an augmented reality battlefield—the possibilities are endless!

Will we replace consoles or PCs with smart devices

I do not believe that mobile games will replace consoles or PCs with smart devices. There are some mobile games that require mobile devices to be used but the development of these mobile games is not enough to cause us to stop using other gaming platforms such as consoles and PCs.

A lot of people still enjoy playing on consoles and PCs because they provide a better gaming experience than mobile games.

Market Transaction Size for Mobile Games

The market transaction size for mobile games is $120 billion USD. The market had an increase of more than 3 billion in 2017 and is projected to hit $33.7 billion USD in 2020.


I believe the future of mobile gaming will be bright. Mobile games are becoming more popular and it is expected to grow exponentially in 2019. I think developers should make sure they create high-quality mobile games with exceptional graphics for casual gamers.

Overall, I do not see mobile games replacing consoles or PCs because there are some people who enjoy playing on them. It is all about preference, but I think mobile games are here to stay and will continue to grow in the future.


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